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2 April, 2022 - 3 April, 2022

Saturday 2nd April: 9am-6pm
Sunday 3rd April: 9am-5pm

Two-day, non-residential
– R1,950
– Early bird R1,750 – if booked before 8th March
Costs include facilitation, tea, coffee, filtered water and light snacks.

Each participant is requested to bring ONE dish to share for the weekend.

Please send an email to: lipp.annika@gmail.com

No previous experience is needed for this workshop.
All genders and sexual orientations are welcome.
Singles and couples are welcome.

How much nudity will there be?
The workshop is consensual in nature – meaning you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Given one of the goals of the retreat is to step into deeper love and connection with your body, the exploration of nudity is often a useful one.

How much intimacy will there be?
The understanding of intimacy differs from person to person. For some, contact improvi-
sation can be unbearably intimate, while for others it is as intimate as playing tennis.
The emphasis of this retreat is on your empowerment and nurturing. Given this is an introductory tantra workshop, touch will be explored but will be limited to structured exercises.

The workshop will be held at The Center in Noordhoek. This venue has a beautiful energy, a beautiful space and with it’s ethos – to bring light to people, community and planet – stands strongly in alignment with the work we will be doing in these two days.

“I am a seeker of truth. I love honest, clear communication without any hints or hidden agendas. In my point of view, life would be so much easier if everyone would “just” stay in their truth and would communicate honestly and clearly. Easier said than lived – I know! 😉

I bought my first tantra book around 13 years ago, and then started my deep dive into the magical world of tantra 5.5 years ago. It started with “Sexual Awakening for Women”,
followed by Tandava, Kashmiri Massage, and many other teachings of Valentina Leo.
Furthermore, I worked with Kali Satyagraha Widd and other South African tantra facilitators. On an international level, I did workshops with Andrew Barnes and four retreats with ISTA – International School of Temple Arts.

I am so immensely grateful for all the valuable teachings I received. They supported me to become my present me – living in truth, loving my body and being able to be in bliss.

Besides leading tantra workshops, I offer Loving Touch Massages and hold Sweat Lodges on a regular basis. I absolutely love supporting and witnessing people in stepping into their truth.”

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:
lipp.annika@gmail.com or +27 793517864

I look forward to supporting you on your journey of stepping deeper into your truth!

Lots of love,


Start: : 2 April, 2022
End: 3 April, 2022


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Saturday 2nd April: 9am-6pm
Sunday 3rd April: 9am-5pm

Two-day, non-residential
– R1,950
– Early bird R1,750 – if booked before 8th March
Costs include facilitation, tea, coffee, filtered water and light snacks.

Each participant is requested to bring ONE dish to share for the weekend.

Please send an email to: lipp.annika@gmail.com

No previous experience is needed for this workshop.
All genders and sexual orientations are welcome.
Singles and couples are welcome.

How much nudity will there be?
The workshop is consensual in nature – meaning you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Given one of the goals of the retreat is to step into deeper love and connection with your body, the exploration of nudity is often a useful one.

How much intimacy will there be?
The understanding of intimacy differs from person to person. For some, contact improvi-
sation can be unbearably intimate, while for others it is as intimate as playing tennis.
The emphasis of this retreat is on your empowerment and nurturing. Given this is an introductory tantra workshop, touch will be explored but will be limited to structured exercises.

The workshop will be held at The Center in Noordhoek. This venue has a beautiful energy, a beautiful space and with it’s ethos – to bring light to people, community and planet – stands strongly in alignment with the work we will be doing in these two days.

“I am a seeker of truth. I love honest, clear communication without any hints or hidden agendas. In my point of view, life would be so much easier if everyone would “just” stay in their truth and would communicate honestly and clearly. Easier said than lived – I know! 😉

I bought my first tantra book around 13 years ago, and then started my deep dive into the magical world of tantra 5.5 years ago. It started with “Sexual Awakening for Women”,
followed by Tandava, Kashmiri Massage, and many other teachings of Valentina Leo.
Furthermore, I worked with Kali Satyagraha Widd and other South African tantra facilitators. On an international level, I did workshops with Andrew Barnes and four retreats with ISTA – International School of Temple Arts.

I am so immensely grateful for all the valuable teachings I received. They supported me to become my present me – living in truth, loving my body and being able to be in bliss.

Besides leading tantra workshops, I offer Loving Touch Massages and hold Sweat Lodges on a regular basis. I absolutely love supporting and witnessing people in stepping into their truth.”

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions:
lipp.annika@gmail.com or +27 793517864

I look forward to supporting you on your journey of stepping deeper into your truth!

Lots of love,


Start: : 2 April, 2022
End: 3 April, 2022


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